Do you think people in other cultures are too relaxed?
What are some examples of beverages from Caribbean cuisine?
Do you follow Suzana Vieira on Instagram?
What would you do if you went to Dubai?
What do you know about the life and work of Epicurus?
What actions in your life will have the longest reaching consequences? How long will those effects be felt?
Can you explain the following saying: Air kiss?
Do you know what Pteridophobia stands for?
What would you say to Caio Castro if it were possible?
Who is most likely to have weird phobias: a fisherman or a saleswoman?
How many songs has Queen released?
Mangez-vous du poisson?
Do you know any famous songs from Justin Timberlake?
Who is most likely to get in a fight: a nurse or an optician?
Comment fĂȘtes-tu le Nouvel An ?
Do you like your nose?
Do you know any famous songs from Lionel Richie?
Do you like listening to Def Leppard?
Can you explain the following saying: A penny for your thoughts?
Do you know any famous songs from Stevie Wonder?
Language: Random